Bravo K.L. !! Once again, very well put! And I’m right there with you. :/

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Dear friend,

You are correct in saying Fear will garner clicks. In a social media world, fear will also offer power, status and prestige. We have seen fear gather mobs and call for chaos, even change elections.

Some of us choose to not live in fear. Some of us choose to not be a victim.

Could it be possible to write about your ideas without introducing fear as a leading edge? Re-read your favorite substack writers and keep an eye out for fear based content. When you see it, consider the deeper questions behind why they offer fear into an argument. My take is that fear lacks substance and humility. A bad combination for communicators.

On another note, democracy, or the fear of losing our democracy, seems to me to be an overused political focus usually aimed at one political party these days. Humor me by taking a closer look into the word and idea of democracy, particulary the democratic principle of majority rules.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading and attempting to offer helpful feedback. Great respect and love for you and your family.

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We respect and love you too.

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