You express yourself effectively. If Gen Z doesn't take over the ballot box by participating on Nov 5 - then Gen Alpha (a demographic label I recently read being used) will have a diminished future. Climate change will never be taken seriously until those whose lives are at stake become a political force. Trump has used his power of influence over the MAGA base to intimidate the Republican Party. Gen Z needs exert its unused potential to exert influence over our government. Our current system confuses power with money. Power is in motivating a significant voting block. Hopefully Roe-vember is coming where women's voices are heard.

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I have also given all of the issues you mentioned a lot of thought. I have family and such who follow him. I couldn't understand it.

Then, after watching repeated interviews with people who said they liked his policies but could not name a single one, it struck me.

He hates who they hate. It doesn't seem like something on which you would hang the fate of the country, but there it is.

No one gets enough history in school anymore to understand how Fascists work. When the Brown Shirts took Hitler to power, they did it, among other things, to get rewarded. As soon as he consolidated power, the "Night of the Long Knives" followed. They were either executed or sent to Concentration Camps.

Read "True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. It lays it all out.

Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it.

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Sep 11Liked by K.L. Orion

I think I speak for so many adults who find this little blurb about the challenges y’all face in this time and place, figuring out what moral compass and value model you want to use to navigate your future, as a refreshing and hopeful indicator that all is not lost…

With so many of your generation seemingly obsessed w/ social media popularity and mindless “dumb-you-down” entertainment, thus seemingly oblivious to the risk of not understanding how SM is used by so many,

to manipulate y’all, my only hope is you take stock that what you so clearly articulated was meaningful and resonated w/ so many, that you take time to understand the nerve that you struck and if that is something you want to continue w/ - understanding complex issues and realizing that they are in-fact just a bunch of smaller aligning and conflicting points of view across a spectrum of constituencies, it becomes so convoluted and confusing - just keep in mind that feelings, fears, anger, emotions, beliefs, hearsay, rumor, conjecture, innuendo, supposition, etc should not be confused for/are not the same as, logical and unbiased factual evidence. Just b/c someone doesn’t “like” something, or denies that something didn’t happen, doesn’t mean that it isn’t fact and/or that they are either lying or are otherwise biased/unwell.

Graciously expressing your rebuttal/response, in a logically and relevant manner, is an art and a gift that you seemingly have. Do well and aim high

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Well put. Hooray for your success!

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I love this exhaustive list…restacking!

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