May 27Liked by K.L. Orion

I love your writing style K.L. I like that you take the simplest to show its complexity. I am finding that your writing is like a good TV show ... I absolutely and anxiously await your next episode.

I am a collector of quotes. Here are a couple of your gems in this post:

"Grass represents the condition of the Earth sometimes. At least it does to me. It’s like its lifeblood, or maybe more accurately its expression. When we don’t get rain for a while, it takes a while for most things to show the signs of a drought. However, the grass almost immediately expresses its pain. It wilts. It doesn’t grow. It turns yellow. But when it gets water, it transforms almost instantly. It becomes green and luscious. It shoots up and grows. It changes the landscape entirely. "

"But sometimes, while I’m cutting away at the grass, I see bugs fleeing from the blades of my vegetation slayer"

"Our buildings will crumble and return to the Earth. Our vehicles will fall apart and rust away. Our roads will break and crack, and in those cracks, grass will thrive. In the first days of our absence, the grass will be the first thing to spring up without us."

"Some people stop to smell the roses. I stop to ponder the grass."

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excellent multifaceted post that maintains the important theme: grass.

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Robert - I see this young person gives you credit for introducing them to Substack. Very good. Maybe a candidate to attend OWR someday?

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Wow, I sort of stumbled into your post tonight. Very well written and thought provoking, too. Thanks for writing and sharing. This spring as my cereal rye cover crop went crazy (due to excessive rains keeping us out of the fields), I have been thinking a lot about grass!

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Nice work here once again. That Jr high kid you talk about showed intelect and insight. Some of us experienced that in you before you yourself. So glad your finding your voice, and proud to be an old guy friend. I was so excited the day you were throwing the fly rod so well. I thought, "now there's a kid who moves to the rhythm of life."

Finally, a dear African friend used to say, "When elephants fight, the grass suffers."

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May 27Liked by K.L. Orion

Your writing is so expressive and catches your attention. You take us along for the ride and we see it and sometimes feel it. Keep up the good work.

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